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Blue Cat's MB-7 Mixer
Blue Cat's MB-7 Mixer
"The multiband mixing console and VST/AU host with built-in effects."
Price: 129€ or $129 (tax incl.)
Blue Cat's MB-7 Mixer - Multi Band Mixing Plug-in and VST/VST3/AU Host

Blue Cat's MB-7 Mixer is a unique plug-in that splits the signal into several frequency bands and lets you re-mix and process them as if they were separate tracks: change levels, apply panning, add built-in effects, or even third party plug-ins.

MacOSUniversal BinaryWindows Vista or newerWindows x64 (64-bit)VSTVST3AAX64-bit AAXAudio Unit

Each band proposes controls that can be found on a mixing console, and more: bypass, mute or solo each band separately to isolate frequencies you want to work on, adjust the gain, the "stereoness" and the position in the stereo field. When manipulating the stereo image, a master mono switch also lets you check mono compatibility.

You can also apply different audio effects to each band to achieve any kind of spectral manipulation: the plug-in can operate as a multiband plug-ins host. You can process each band independently with your favorite VST, VST3 or Audio Unit plug-ins or choose from any of the 28 built-in effects! Up to four plug-ins can be loaded on each band, pre or post fader. It also include 25 built-in audio effects that can be inserted in each plug-in slot. Latency compensation, presets management, undo/redo integration, and individual plug-in bypass are included for optimal operation.

The plug-in also proposes unique linking and grouping options thanks to our multi-instances technology. You can link bands together within a single instance or between several instances of the plug-in on different tracks. This lets a simple fader control as many bands on as many tracks as you want. This is particularly useful when adjusting the placement or the balance of several competing tracks.

And as usual with Blue Cat Audio, the plug-in provides comprehensive visual feedback to let you know what's exactly going on: for each channel, monitor the spectrum, the in/out levels and the frequency response.

Thanks to its advanced MIDI and automation input capabilities, when combined with our other plug-ins, Blue Cat's MB-7 Mixer is capable of advanced side-chaining features that really unveils its potential. Check out our MB-7 Mixer Tutorials for more details.

If you are looking for a simpler plug-in to host VST, VST3 and Audio Unit plug-ins, please try Blue Cat's PatchWork. If you are looking for a multiband dynamics processor that can be combined to this plug-in for side chain effects, check out the Blue Cat's MB-5 Dynamix plug-in. Also, any Blue Cat Audio plug-in is compatible and can be hosted by this plug-in.

Copyright Note: VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH.

Main Features:

  • Multiband mixing console: adjust the levels, panning and "stereoness" of each band separately.
  • Multiband VST, VST3 and Audio Unit Host: insert third party VST, VST3 and AU plug-ins and process each band independently.
  • 30 built-in effects for multiband processing: EQ, filters, pitch & frequency shifter, delays, reverb, modulation effects, compressor, gate, bit crusher, wave shaper and more.
  • Multicore processing support.
  • External side chain support for sub plug-ins on each band.
  • Parameters Mapping: map sub plug-ins parameters to automate them or use a control surface.
  • Flexible Audio routing: connect sub plug-ins i/o to any audio channel for multi-mono effects or creative side chain.
  • Pre and post fader VST/VST3/AU plug-in inserts, with full latency compensation.
  • Up to 7 bands, with crossover filters from 12 to 192 dB/Oct for optimal separation.
  • Multiple instances linking: group bands within a single instance or between multiple instances of the plug-in. Modify the spectrum on multiple tracks with a single slider.
  • Bypass, mute, solo on every band.
  • Mono switch on master for mono compatibility check.
  • Dual Mode: independent left and right or mid and side channels control.
  • Complete visual feedback with real time response curves, spectrogram, and levels display for each band, CPU workload meter.
  • Side chaining made easy: a unique way to perform multi-band side chain compression, ducking, gating and much more.
  • No additional latency.

Blue Cat Audio Standards:

  • Available in most plug-in formats for Mac and Windows.
  • Full MIDI control and automation support, MIDI Learn.
  • No CPU load on idle: processing shuts down when fed with silence (optimal CPU usage).
  • Customizable user interface with transparency & zoom.
  • Automation and MIDI output: record output parameters as automation curves or send MIDI CC messages to other plug-ins for powerful side chain effects.
  • Smooth Bypass: noiseless plug-in activation / deactivation.
  • Undo/Redo.
  • Full featured integrated presets manager.
  • Copy/paste the state of the plug-in between instances.
  • Any sample rate supported.

Typical applications: Multiband levels correction, multiband VST hosting, spectral enhancement, multiband stereo widening, multiband stereo placement, frequency isolation, spectral manipulation, EQ, spectrum inspection, mastering, spectrum-based side chain effects, apply audio effects to a selected frequency range, VST, VST3 and AU plug-in bridge.

Blue Cat's MB-7 Mixer - Assign macro parameters and hide plug-ins to create your own multi band effects. Blue Cat's MB-7 Mixer - Multi Band Mixing Plug-in and VST/VST3/AU Host Blue Cat's MB-7 Mixer - Inludes 25 top notch built-in audio effects for multiband processing: EQ, compressor, gate, ducker, flanger, phaser, delays... Blue Cat's MB-7 Mixer - Display only what you need: the plug-in can show up as a simple mixing console, each frequency band looking like a track. Blue Cat's MB-7 Mixer - VST hosting is simple and efficient, one click away from the main controls of the plug-in. Blue Cat's MB-7 Mixer - Multiband VST hosting: each band can host up to 4 external VST plug-ins. Blue Cat's MB-7 Mixer - The 'Dual' version of the plug-in lets you process separately the left and right or mid and side channels.

User Comments & Reviews

Blue Cat's MB7 Mixer: Music Tech Magazine's ChoiceBlue Cat's MB7 Mixer was granted the Innovation Award by Music Tech Magazine"Why take five plug-ins into the studio when you could do it all with one? [...]

Verdict: 9/10. A clever and genuinely useful plug-in that combines multiple tools to give you an amazing level of control over almost any aspect of any frequency within a sound. Prefect for mixing or sound shaping. " - Music Tech Magazine - October 2014

[read full review]

"Ganz still und heimlich wurde hier in Frankreich ein bahnbrechendes Recordingtool erschaffen, die Möglichkeiten sind immens, die Verbindung zu Gruppen ist innovativ und hervorragend gelöst. Der MB 7 Mixer ist mal wieder eins dieser Werkzeuge das man dann wenn man es kennt nicht mehr missen möchte. Das es hier eine fetten Tipp gibt ist mir ein Bedürfniss." - (Germany)

Translation: "Very quietly and secretly, here in France has been created a groundbreaking recording tool, the possibilities are huge, the connection to groups is innovative and achieved excellently. The MB 7 mixer is again one of those tools which you do not not want to do without when you know it."

Blue Cat's MB Dynamix Pack was granted the Performance Award by Computer Music Magazine"It’s simple enough in concept, but factor in band-specific panning, stereo width, mute, bypass and solo, and you’ve got a powerful mastering and manipulation tool. [...]

In use, the MB-7 shows itself to be part mastering tool and part creative plug-in, particularly when you combine reverse linking of bands with some automation. But we found it particularly good for controlling the stereo width for specific frequency ranges on a multitude of stereo sources including drum kits, piano,strings and full mixes. This allowed us to make our sounds more expansive in the mid and high frequencies while retaining low-end cohesion. Equally, if you’ve time to kill, MB-7 can do a fair job of isolating sounds in mixed sources. [...]

These are precise, almost scientific tools[...]. So, they require time to truly get to grips with. In return, they'll continue to deliver as you explore their depths. [...] Pros: Clever ideas well implemented, Quality multiband processing, MB-7 linking options a nice touch, Cross-band internal sidechaining.

Verdict: 8/10. A super-flexible, great-sounding plug-in combo for the more technically inclined. " - Computer Music Magazine - October 2011, reviewed as part of Blue Cat's MB Dynamix Pack.

"Still a very useful and inspiring multiband processor, but MB-7 2.0's biggest selling point is its brilliant VST plugin hosting." - Computer Music Magazine - November 2013 - [read review on musicradar].

"[The MB-7 Mixer] might just be the magic pill you've been looking for." - Music Nation - [full review].

"With Blue Cat Audio's innovative MIDI side-chaining system, the sky's the limit.

[... Blue Cat's MB-7 Mixer] might seem an odd idea, but it actually provides alternative ways of implementing a number of fairly common processes.[...] It also has some fresh tricks up its sleeve, and most of these relate to Blue Cat's trademark linking techniques. [...] The possibilities are, quite literally, endless." - Sound On Sound Magazine - July 2011 [Read Full Review]

"Having had the pleasure of working with Patchwork and MB-7, I would most assuredly miss them if they were to disappear from my DAW. Enthusiastic thumbs up for both of these gems. Well done, Blue Cat. Very well done indeed!" - SoundBytes Music Magazine - June 2016 - [full review].

To add your own comment about this product, please contact us.

Demo Limitations:

  • 5 instances of the plug-in allowed per session.
  • The effect is bypassed for half a second every minute.

System Requirements


  • An Intel or Apple Silicon processor.
  • Mac OS 10.9 or newer.
  • Any VST / Audio Unit / AAX compatible application (64-bit) .


  • An SSE2-enabled processor (Pentium 4 or newer).
  • Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows 7, 8 or 10.
  • Any VST / AAX compatible host software (32 or 64 bit).

For more information about supported platforms, see our Knowledge Base.

Versions History

V3.6 (2024/09/09)

  • Windows: Multi monitor High DPI scaling support for high resolution displays (4K monitors, hi-res laptops...) for Windows 10 version 1607 (Anniversary Edition) and newer.
  • Mac: Improved Retina display support, with crispier graphics at all resolutions and zoom levels.
  • Auto Scale option for third party plug-ins that do not support HiDPI on Windows.
  • New option to disable "suspend processing on silence" for plug-ins that do not report tail size properly (such as Valhalla plug-ins).
  • Mac: fixed random GUI refresh issues in Reaper on Retina displays.
  • Fixed a potential issue with VST3 plug-ins using unicode characters in parameter names and values.
  • Fixed a crash with some VST3 plug-ins requiring inputParameterChanges (such as Martinic plug-ins).
  • Fixed crash on Apple Silicon and wrong preset names on other platforms when loading VST3 plug-ins that define presets without names (such as FabFilter plug-ins).
  • Fixed minor memory leak when using oversampling for plug-ins.

V3.56 (2024/03/20)

  • Added 15 new styles for macro knobs.
  • offline rendering support: hosted plug-ins are now notified when the host is rendering offline (non-realtime).
  • Fixed multicore performance issues for Apple Silicon systems (random audio dropouts).
  • Improved multicore performance on Windows PC and Intel Macs.

V3.55 (2023/05/17)

  • Plug-ins oversampling: it is now possible to oversample processing for every plug-in (up to 16x).
  • Custom Colors: Each individual plug-in instance can now be assigned a custom color.
  • Updated hundreds of factory presets and all built-in plug-ins with custom colors.
  • MB-7 Mixer can now use its own parameters in macros, mixed together with loaded plug-ins parameters.
  • Macro Parameters & params assignments can now be saved and copied/pasted.
  • Drag and drop macro parameters to change order / insert / copy.
  • The "Remove" command now removes the selected macro parameter instead of the last one in the list.
  • Graphical user interface refresh performance improvements, especially on Mac.
  • Fixed custom tone maps presets not properly saved for some built-in plug-ins (Reverb, Chorus, Flanger, Phaser, Sweep Filter, Wave Shaper, Freq Shifter, Wah, EQ).
  • Fixed plug-in slot menu issues when loading plug-ins with more than 22380 parameters on Windows.
  • Updated parameters layout for GUI-less plug-ins to accommodate plug-ins with multiple parameters.
  • GUI-less plug-ins generic editor now follows the MB-7 Mixer's zoom level.
  • Fixed a crash when opening the editor of a VST2 GUI-less plug-in that uses non-unicode encoding in its parameters (piz-midi plug-ins).
  • LEARN mode is now disabled automatically when the Params Map Editor is closed.
  • AAX plug-in now reports the recording status to hosted plug-ins (in recent versions of Pro Tools that support it).
  • Ableton Live 11: Fixed MB-7 Mixer VST3 MIDI input not detected.

V3.5 (2022/11/22)

  • New macro controls editor to edit plug-in parameters mapping.
  • Assign multiple parameters from multiple plug-ins to a single macro control, and adjust the range for each parameter.
  • Assign a name to each macro control, that is now displayed in automation lanes in most host applications (may require a session reload in some cases).
  • Parameters names for existing sessions will be automatically updated upon load.
  • Select macro knobs appearance among 18 predefined styles.
  • Updated dozens of presets with macro parameters.
  • New learn modes to quickly assign plug-in parameters.
  • Added an option in global & preset input settings to send MIDI events when MIDI-enabled parameters are modified in the plug-in (to update control surfaces accordingly).
  • In most plug-in formats, internal audio I/O configuration can now be selected regardless of the configuration defined by the host (you can for example reduce the number of channels to save CPU and process only selected channels).
  • Improved performance to load the user interface.
  • Improved VST parameter value display in some host applications.
  • Added Apple Silicon support for AAX Plug-in Format.
  • Mac: installers and plug-ins have been notarized to avoid security warnings on Mac OS Catalina and newer.
  • Fixed bypass that did not let MIDI messages go thru for some MIDI plug-ins.
  • Fixed some GUI resizing issues with some VST3 plug-ins.
  • Fixed an issue with some VST3 plug-ins requiring to click twice on the bypass button to get bypassed.
Warning: presets and sessions saved with this new version will not reload properly with older versions of the MB-7 Mixer (params maps will be lost).

V3.42 (2022/03/28)

  • Native Apple Silicon (M1) version can now load 64-bit Audio Units that are not compatible with Apple Silicon (via the MacOS bridge).
  • Presets can now be loaded via MIDI even when the user interface is closed.
  • Fixed MPC Beat plug-in not loading.
  • Fixed VST3 version not always loading properly in Ableton Live 11.
  • Fixed latency compensation changes not always picked up by host applications.
  • VST3: Fixed parameters update issues in Studio One when bouncing tracks.
  • Fixed VST & VST3 automation not recording properly in some hosts (Cubase 11, Ableton Live).

V3.41 (2021/10/19)

  • Single Installer on Mac (all plug-ins formats).
  • Apple Silicon (M1 processor) support.
  • Dropped 32-bit support on Mac.
  • Now requires MacOS 10.9 and newer.
  • Improved MIDI & automation control settings with lock, reset and "save as global setting" capabilities.
  • Fixed issues with Wah and Pitch Bender effects when using cheap MIDI controllers not updating values fast enough.
  • VST3: fixed random crash in Ableton Live 11 upon load.
  • Fixed a crash when loading some VST3 plug-ins that define a bypass parameter beyond the last automatable parameter.

V3.4 (2021/05/04)

New Features & Improvements:
  • Up to 7 times more processing power with the new multicore engine that processes each band on a separate core.
  • New DSP workload meter that displays the DSP activity and CPU load.
  • Added MIDI control support (MIDI CC messages) for Next and Previous Preset commands, with MIDI learn.
  • Reduced time to load the MB-7 Mixer or any built-in plug-in.
  • Multiple DSP performance improvements.
  • Level meters and spectrum analyzers are not updated anymore when the user interface is closed, reducing CPU usage.
  • Reduced the number of threads used by the plug-in.
  • Improved global and preset settings window loading time on Windows.
  • Added ability to select the plug-in to load when a shell plug-in file is dragged and dropped onto a slot.
  • Full unicode support.
  • Preset files can now be dropped onto the preset LCD area to be loaded.
  • Native Apple M1 version available as a preview.
  • Fixed host loop end value not properly passed to hosted plug-ins, for the VST2 version.
  • Fixed several crashes upon load for multiple third party plug-ins (mostly VST3).
  • Fixed MIDI control for hosted plug-ins not always working when fed with silence.
  • Fixed VST3 (and sometimes VST) version freezing Ableton Live upon save on Windows.
  • Fixed harmonizer and Pitch Shifter built-in plug-ins that did not always flush their buffer upon bypass (short sounds could be heard when getting out of bypass)

V3.33 (2020/10/05)

New Features & Improvements:
  • Tail spillover: activate tail spillover from the toolbar to play effects tail when bypassed (available for the plug-in itself or built-in delays and reverbs).
  • Arrow keys can now be used to navigate presets, in the main view or in the presets browser.
  • The opacity of the tone map window can now be adjusted for built-in effects.
  • Smoother presets switching.
  • Improved smooth plug-in bypass (faster and smoother transition).
  • New high resolution graphics for knobs and sliders.
  • Reduced disk footprint.
  • Fixed: the state of some VST2 plug-ins (which do not save their state as chunks) were not be restored properly if their number of parameters had been changed (e.g. FabFilter Pro-Q's latest update).
  • Fixed: several issues with hosted plug-ins bypass (graphical glitches, untriggered bypass...).
  • Mac: fixed GUI performance issues on native P3 displays and improved performance on other displays.
  • Mac: fixed mouse wheel that required large movements to change parameter values.
  • Mac: fixed mouse cursor flickering issues.
  • Mac: fixed Esc key not closing fine edit parameter dialog.
  • Mac: fixed keyboard not responding in registration panel in some host applications (LUNA, Garage Band...).
  • Mac: fixed demo version that could hang Logic when reloading projects using the plug-in.
  • Mac Audio Unit: fixed plug-in listing in some host applications (Plogue Bidule...).

V3.32 (2020/01/06)

New Features & Improvements:
  • Navigate presets and create new tones easily with "Tone Maps" for 9 built-in effects: Chorus, Flanger, Phaser, Wah, Sweep Filter, EQ, Freq Shifter, Reverb and Waveshaper.
  • New presets for the built-in wah plug-in.
  • Built-in EQ: improved impulse response convolution performance (long reverb tails are now supported, with low CPU usage).
  • Mac: faster GUI rendering on recent Mac OS systems (up to 5x faster).
  • Mac: fixed user interface not properly shown on retina displays in some applications built with the 10.14 Mac OS SDK (Cubase 10.5 for example).
  • Mac: fixed settings panel rendering issues in dark mode on Mac OS Mojave and newer.
  • Fixed issue with some VST3 plug-ins that failed to initialize when loaded (Roland Cloud VST3)
  • Fixed built-in Wah plug-in that could exceed selected range in reverse mode.

V3.31 (2019/07/23)

  • Fixed crossovers slope not properly displayed (actual slope was twice the slope on display) and fixed factory presets accordingly.
  • Fixed an issue with hosted plug-ins editors not always restored in the right position in Cubase on Windows.
  • Changing the slope of lowpass and highpass filters in the built-in EQ is now smoother.

V3.3 (2019/06/20)

New features:
  • New presets browser with built-in search.
  • MIDI Program Change preference is now saved into session instead of global preferences, so each instance can now use different MIDI channels. It is also saved in the user default preset.
  • VST3: added program change support for VST3 plug-in format.
  • VST3: added MIDI output support for VST3 plug-in format.
Built-in plug-ins:
  • New Level (volume control) and Micro EQ built-in plug-ins.
  • Added a gain parameter to several built-in plug-ins to avoid volume changes when switched on/off (pitch and frequency shifters, modulation effects, delays).
  • Increased knobs precision for pitch shifter and waveshaper built-in plug-ins for smoother control.
Third party plug-ins host:
  • VST and VST3 plug-ins previously displayed as missing because of name changes are now relocated automatically (Waves major updates, 32 and 64-bit plug-ins with different names etc.)
  • Improved auto-relocation performance when a large number of plug-ins have moved.
  • VST3 Host: added MIDI output and program change support for recenlty updated VST3 plug-ins.
Other fixes and improvements:
  • VST: the user interface is now properly resized in Cubase on Windows.
  • Mac: fixed issue with Magic Mouse that could trigger drag and drop instead of mouse click.
  • Spectrum analyzer display will not take priority over DAW or other plug-ins user interfaces.
  • Miscellaneous user interface performance improvements.

V3.2 (2018/11/20)

  • Drag and drop support (same as in our video for PatchWork):
    • drag and drop plug-ins between slots.
    • hold the alt key on Mac and Ctrl key on windows to copy (duplicate) a plug-in instead of moving it.
    • drop the plug-in before another to insert it in the chain.
    • drag and drop plug-ins between several instances of the MB-7 Mixer or across plug-ins (compatible with the latest version of PatchWork, Late Replies and Axiom).
    • drag and drop .dll, .vst, .vst3, or .component files directly from the Finder or Explorer onto plug-in slots.
    • drag and drop .plgnfo files (previously saved from the software) directly from the Finder or Explorer onto plug-in slots.
  • Built-in EQ plug-in can now load and manipulate impulse responses (IR).
  • Spectrum analysis is now performed in the background and does not affect audio performance.
  • Improved performance of the built-in EQ plug-in.
  • Improved performance when saving preset/session with many built-in plug-ins.
  • Fixed: effect tail not processed anymore when just inserted on a track (avoids using CPU when not necessary).
  • Fixed: built-in multitap delay plug-in could get out of sync in some host applications.
  • Fixed: sweep filter, flanger and tremolo plug-ins could fail to initialize rate when using tempo sync and loaded from an MB-7 Mixer preset.

V3.1 (2018/06/18)

  • The GUI can now be zoomed from 70% to 200%.
  • Added 28 built-in plug-ins borrowed from the Late Replies plug-in.
  • New spectral manipulation and sound design presets using the built-in effects.
  • Last loaded preset is now remembered in session and displayed in the presets menu.
  • Plug-in state can now be reverted to the last loaded preset.
  • Default preset now also saves the state of locks (when using "save as user default").
  • Major presets loading improvements: hosted plug-ins are now reloaded only when changed, and updated otherwise. Improves performance and audio rendering when loading presets using the same plug-ins.
  • Faster GUI loading / instantaneous GUI display after it has been opened once.
  • New option to keep plug-ins windows always on top.
  • Performance and memory usage improvements.
  • Mac: new installer.
  • VST3: factory presets are not exposed to the host application anymore.
  • Fixed minor compatibility issues with Mac OS High Sierra.
  • Fixed host keyboard shortcuts lost when a sub plug-in is opened (in several host applications).
  • Fixed sub-plug-ins automation overwritten when using touch mode in some hosts.
  • Fixed: changing bypass in the Audio Unit version did not update host application's bypass state.
  • Fixed: bypass buttons are now in sync with the hosted plug-ins' state.
  • Win: fixed copy/paste that sometimes stopped working until next app restart.
  • Dropped support for legacy RTAS and DirectX plug-ins formats.

V3.0 (2017/02/23)

  • Brand new GUI design, with improved usability and touchscreen support.
  • Favorite plug-ins and their settings can be saved to be quickly reloaded later from a menu.
  • Unused channels for each hosted plug-in can now be muted (instead of default pass-thru).
  • Load/save native VST, VST3 or AU preset files.
  • Presets and parameters menus are now split in sub menus instead of a single list.
  • Additional user VST path to locate VST plug-ins is now available.
  • Missing VST & VST3 plug-ins are now automatically relocated.
  • Copy/paste and save band settings (including plug-ins) as sub-presets.
  • Map sub plug-ins parameters to automate them in host or control them with MIDI.
  • Lock GUI state to prevent changes when loading presets.
  • Band Controls Groups can now be identified by colors.
  • Adjust contrast for spectrogram display.
  • Spectrogram now keeps history when resized.
  • Import spectrum curves for EQ compare & matching, and export EQ curves to share with other Blue Cat Audio plug-ins.
  • Now supports retina displays on Mac (text and graphs using high resolution).
  • Now compatible with most recent Audio Units (Waves for example).
  • Changed demo limitations: up to 5 instances allowed, bypass time changed to half a second, and bypass parameter is not affected anymore.
  • Fully compatible with previous versions of the plug-in.
  • Dropped support for Windows XP and Mac OS X 10.6 and earlier.

V2.54 (2016/12/29)

  • Fixed MIDI channel issue with VST3: MIDI channel for note events was offset by one in the VST3 plug-in version and when hosting VST3 plug-ins.
  • Improved perfomance when loading presets.
  • Increased fine edit window width (opens when double clicking on a control).
  • Fixed random crash in Cubase.
  • VST: fixed random latency compensation issues upon project load or when loading plug-ins while not playing.
  • VST: fixed bypass issue when using reverse range in MIDI/automation settings.
  • (Mac AU) Fixed latency compensation issues in Logic, on project load, or when loading plug-ins while not playing.
  • (Mac AU) Fixed GUI display issues when changing size in Ableton Live.
  • (Windows) new graphics for Windows installer.

Warning: because of a bug of the initial VST3 release, this new version may not work with existing sessions that used the VST3 format. See this blog post for more details and how to fix it.

V2.53 (2016/05/10)

  • VST3 plug-ins hosting.
  • Fixed VST3 version crash in Wavelab 9.
  • Fixed issue with parameters precison in VST3 version.
  • Improved automatic I/O configuration for VST and VST3 versions.

V2.52a (2016/03/04)

  • (VST only) Fixed a crash when loading the VST version in Ableton Live.

V2.52 (2016/03/03)

  • VST3 plug-in format support, with improved external sidechain compatibility for Cubase and Nuendo.
  • Fixed a crash with some VST plug-ins using long preset names (SonicCharge Microtonic).
  • Windows: fixed a crash with some plug-ins that display a modal dialog when opened (Valhalla plug-ins).

V2.51 (2015/07/16)

  • Last loaded preset can now be saved directly from the presets menu without having to select the file.
  • VST: fixed latency compensation reporting in Cubase (no need to re-enable the plug-in to update the latency anymore).
  • AAX & RTAS: fixed feedback loop that could occur in bypass mode when the plug-in was inserted before another one.

V2.5 (2015/04/29)

New Features:
  • External side chain support: side chain input can be used by sub plug-ins on each band.
  • Sub plug-ins audio i/o routing: connect the inputs and outputs of each plug-in to any channel (enabling multi-mono or creative side chain usage).
  • Latency is now compensated for individual channels when a plug-in is processing only a subset of all available channels.
  • GUI-less plug-ins support: a generic user interface is now provided for VST or AU plug-ins that do not include a graphical editor.
  • Presets can now be selected using MIDI Program change and bank select messages (can be activated with the presets menu/MIDI Program Change item).
  • Factory and user skins can now be selected directly from the plug-in menu.
  • Improved crossovers precision and performance.
  • Improved presets and session load/save performance (up to 4 times faster in some situations).
Fixes and compatibility improvements:
  • Fixed issue with Izotope Audio Units that were configured as mono effects on stereo tracks.
  • Fixed issue with some Audio Unit instruments that did not produce any sound (IK Multimedia, Kontakt...)
  • Fixed crashes during auto save with Kontakt 5 in Pro Tools 11.

V2.4 (2014/10/20)

New Features:
  • Missing VST plug-ins can now be relocated if not found.
  • The plug-in now saves missing plug-ins' state so that they can be restored later.
Fixes and compatibility improvements:
  • Fixed issue on Mac when loading sessions created on Windows using VST plug-ins in sub-directories.
  • Fixing compatibility issues with several plug-ins that used to crash when unloaded (Image Line, MeldaProduction, Catanya...).
  • VST Plug-in name is now displayed when loaded from a missing VST shell bundle (instead of just the name of the bundle).
  • (Mac) Fixed randrom crashes when using keyboard shortcuts in the host application to switch between plug-ins or tracks.
  • (Mac) Fixed crash introduced in 2.3 when trying to load missing VST plug-ins.
  • (Mac) Fixed crash after closing the editor of an Audio Unit plug-in loaded with SoundRadix's 32Lives.

V2.3 (2014/07/03)

New Features:
  • Audio Unit hosting support: Audio Units can now be loaded into the plug-in on Mac.
  • Plug-ins can now be cut from a slot for cut/paste operations.
  • User interface loading or resizing is now faster.
  • Reduced the size of windows installers.
Fixes and compatibility improvements:
  • Fixed undo/redo compatibility issues with some plug-ins.
  • (Mac) Fixed random crashes when unloading some plug-ins on Mac (Waves plug-ins for example).
  • (AAX) Fixed inaccurate transport information reported to sub plug-ins when stopping playback in Pro Tools.

V2.2 (2014/04/23)

New Features:
  • Plug-in instance Renaming: it is now possible to give a name to each instance of a plug-in.
  • Improved performance of undo tracking when loading presets for plug-ins with many parameters.
Fixes and compatibility improvements:
  • Fixed keyboard stealing issue in many host applications when sub plug-ins editors are opened (except 32-bit applications on Mac).
  • Fixed compatibility issue with Pro Tools 9 on Mac (random crashes).
  • Fixing crashes with some plug-ins requesting information while being opened.

V2.11 (2013/12/03)

Plug-ins compatibility improvements:
  • Improved compatibility with plug-ins that do not support sample rate changes (Nebula).
  • Improved compatibility with synths or effects that internally use VST presets banks: the entire state was not properly restored with the session (Nexus, Korg Legacy series or D16 Sigmund for example).
  • Other improvements:
  • Reduced the plug-in's memory usage so that more instances can be used in a session.
  • Windows VST Installer now remembers where the plug-in was initially installed to simplify upgrades.

V2.1 (2013/10/25)

New features:
  • Bypass and display editor commands are now directly available from buttons in the plug-in slots.
  • Plug-ins editors can now be restored on open (position on screen is now saved in session and presets), with an option in the preferences to disable restoration.
  • Copy/paste plug-ins between slots using the system clipboard (you can copy paste between instances, or in different applications).
  • Copy/paste the plug-in's current state from the presets menu using the system clipboard.
  • "Center Plug-in Editor" command to bring back plug-ins editors that may be lost on the screen.
  • Improved support for plug-ins with multiple I/O configurations (the number of channels is now passed to the plug-ins).
  • (Mac) Inserted plug-ins window do not follow the MB-7 Mixer window anymore.
  • (Mac) plug-in version number is now available when using "Get Info" in the Finder.
  • (Mac) RTAS version could cause some GUI issues in Pro Tools with some plug-ins (blank windows).
  • (Mac) About window does not show up first in the corner of the screen.
  • (Win) Alt-Click on a control now resets the value to default in Pro Tools, as expected.

V2.04 (2013/09/30)

Plug-ins Compatibility Improvements:
  • Fixed: some reverb plug-ins used to have their tail cut.
  • Fixed: some VST plug-ins sometimes prevented Pro Tools from exiting (Kontakt 5 for example).
  • Fixed: when inserting plug-ins with different latencies on different bands, tempo and MIDI events were not always in sync.

V2.03 (2013/09/23)

New Features:
  • Tempo sync support for hosted plug-ins.
  • AudioSuite support (offline processing) for the AAX version.
Plug-ins Compatibility Improvements:
  • Some plug-ins that required tempo sync used to crash on load.
  • Fixed compatibility issues with FabFilter plug-ins.

V2.02 (2013/09/13)

New Features:
  • Added support for plug-ins bundled into a VST Shell.
Bug Fixes:
  • Some plug-ins used to crash when reloading a Pro Tools session in Pro Tools 11.

V2.01 (2013/09/10)

Bug Fixes:
  • When inserting soft synths in the plug-in, no output was produced when the plug-in was fed with silence.

V2.0 (2013/09/05)

New Features:
  • Brand new, fully customizable user interface:
    • New look and feel.
    • Show only what you need.
    • New color or greyscale overlayed spectrogram view.
    • Multiple display sizes.
    • Customizable gain range.
    • Improved readability.
    • Animated transitions.
  • Multiband VST Hosting:
    • Apply VST effects to a selected frequency range.
    • Add up to 4 VST plug-ins on each band.
    • Pre and post fader plug-ins slots.
    • Integrated latency compensation engine, with real time host reporting.
    • Optional undo/redo integration.
    • VST Presets Management.
    • Bypass inserted plug-ins individually.
  • New integrated presets manager:
    • Load/save presets from the plug-in's user interface.
    • Organize presets with folders.
    • Customize the default preset.
    • Exchange presets easily.
  • Automation range and response curve can now be customized for each parameter (in and out).
  • Automation and MIDI settings (channel, MIDI learn etc.) are now accessible from the main user interface.
  • New presets to get started faster.
  • The windows installer now automatically detects the most appropriate VST install path.
  • License is now shared between plug-ins types (register only once for all formats).
  • Improved value display in fine edit window.
  • Improved parameters display on control surfaces.
Optimizations and Performance Improvements:
  • Improved parameters precision (now stored as 64-bit).
  • More compact presets format (uses less space and loads faster).
  • Smaller binaries on Mac (dropped PowerPC support).
Bug Fixes:
  • (RTAS) Fixed parameters control with EUCON control surfaces in Pro Tools.
  • Fixed user interface issues in Final Cut Pro X.
  • Fixed keyboard stealing issue in Digital Performer 7 on Mac.
  • Fixed copy/paste keyboard shortcut issues in the registration panel on Mac.
Note: this new version can be installed side by side with the previous version for backward compatibility reasons. Installing this new version won't break your previous projects.

V1.1 (2013/06/27)

  • 64-bit AAX support for Pro Tools 11.

V1.1 (2011/08/31)

  • A "dual channel" version of the plug-in is now available. It can process the left/right or mid/side channels separately.
  • Output data rate (MIDI CC or automation) can now be customized, from 20 to 500 Hz.
  • Increased the default output data rate (from 20 to 50 Hz) for smoother side chaining and more precise spectrum display.
  • Windows: improved settings dialog loading time.
  • Mac: user interface performance improvement (up to 20% lighter on cpu).

V1.0 (2011/04/06)

First release.