MIDI is often a scary subject for guitar players. It does not have to be this way! In this video recorded with The Guitar Channel (theguitarchannel.biz) we are showing you how to setup a simple MIDI pedalboard like the Line6 FBV3.
Setup and configure MIDI pedalboard on a computer
Key points
In our example we used the FBV3 model from Line6 (line6.com) but the process would be exactly the same with another brand.
This pedalboard is connected via USB to the computer. It is usually the case for the modern pedalboards on the market. This means you don’t need a MIDI old style DIN input. All the MIDI information goes through a standard USB cable.
Obviously in this video we took our guitar software Axiom as an exemple but it would exactly the same method for any software.
Let us know how it goes and if you have any question on this topic.